Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Bienvenue à mon nouveau blog et joyeux Noël!

Hello again (or for the first time) and welcome to my new blog about my experiences in Senegal. Sadly, I forgot the account name and password to my old blog,, and had to start over again. Maybe this time I will remember to write down that information.

The other night, if only for ten minutes, it sank in for the first time that I was actually leaving for Senegal next month. What a strange feeling. I think no matter how much I read or research about Senegal it won't quite be the same as being there (yes, I know that sounds obvious). Still, maybe when I learn more about my internship or classes I'll feel less like I'm stepping into an abyss of the unknown.

I have gleaned some information regarding my housing, and it sounds pretty promising. Apparently I will be staying with la Famille Rokhaya Niang: a retired anthropology professor, his wife (a teacher), and their family. They have four "kids" in their twenties, one of whom is in Belgium, and two nieces, one of whom is a teenager. A part of me was looking forward to living with a slightly more average (socioeconomically speaking) Senegalese family instead of a family of intellectuals, but staying with this family should offer me a different perspective of Senegal from that of the family I will be staying with during my internship. I am also interested in education and Senegalese perspectives of it, so their scholasticism will be interesting.

I'd better get back to the orientation reading packet; it's quite long.

Until next time, here's a video featuring Orchestra Baobab:


Joyeux Noël!


  1. Hey Zach! I'm not gonna lie, this sounds like a pretty awesome experience.

  2. Reading about it won't be the same, but the more research you do the more you'll know when you're there! And potentially the more you'll look like a huge dork to others in your program (I did! I knew way more about NZ than them...) but who cares! lol.
